This might the first blog which i own my self...
I am person who will start everything with great josh... but in between i will loose my interest n will drop the activities which i started..When i was doing my MCA the concept of blog was introduced in our class of techies.... We all started blogging in group..Our class with a great strength of 33 in which girls dominated, was split in to groups of 4 or 5 .We were asked to do blogging on latest technologies n gadgets..Still i remember the lab in the first floor of SCMS in which we sit together in groups n discuss the names for the blog ... i think that proactive mentality was just becos of the new concept of blogging..As i already told i'm into a category which loose interest very fast(except my love for husband family n friends)...i lost interest in blogging be more precise it was more like a pregnancy which was aborted in its chemical pregnancy period itself..So after a long years of 3 or 4..i gained inetrest in blogging. I just dont want to hide something is very true...that my inspirations for my blog is my friend priya which i call her chalukunju...she is a great time artist of big time "chalus",CHALUS means...unwanted commedies in wrong situations...But really her blogs are very simple n its like a deja vu.I started with commenting to the blogs of my friends. So felt like this a platform which I can spend a lil time for myself..To me blogging is "Sharing N Fun".Yeah just sharing of my good bad mad wiered ideas..Hope i can continue my blog for a lil long time b4 i loose interest :)
സ്വന്തമായി assignment പോലും എഴുതാതവളാണ്....
ഇപ്പോ... ദേ.. blog തുടങ്ങിയിരിക്കുന്നു.....
al d bst..!!!
go ahead .. come up wth morr....
post sum more b4 u loose da spirit ...gud start,,keep goin
thank u ebby n lucky for ur comments
Welcome to the blogosphere! Keep at it...don't slow down. Good luck!
Oh my God!!
Monicaaaaaaaaaaaa Oh My Darrrlinngggg
I can't believe you started a blog and dedicated the first ever post to me!!
Am truly honoured...flattered and humbled too!
Congrats chakkuuuu...keep blogging...i'll visit everyday!!!!!!!!!
how come i missed all tis???
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